Appendix B: Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Cost Calculation Detail

Costs for Project Budgets - Appendix B

Sample format for how Facilities and Administrative (F&A) cost calculations are computed

1. Total Direct Costs
Minus Exclusions:
2. GRA Exclusion
  (Portion of salary equivalent to applicable tuition, health insurance, and mandatory fee) $  
3. Capital Equipment

3.a. $5,000 value per unit cost and useful life of two years or more, and cost greater than or equal to the capitalization threshold


3.b. Collectibles (artwork, antiques)


3.c. Fabricated Equipment (materials, supplies, and some shop costs -- but not direct labor -- of fabricated items which when completed will meet the capital equipment criteria.)


3.d. $100,000 value Computer Software

4. Participant Support Costs for Conferences and Seminars
5. Subcontract Costs
Minus items to which F&A costs are not applicable:
6. Construction/Renovation Costs $  
  7. "University" Library or Museum Acquisitions $  
  8. Salary Supplement for Endowed Sabbatical $  
9. Exclusions Subtotal:
(Add Items 2. through 8.)  
10. Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC)
(Subtract Item 9. from Item 1.)  
11. F&A Cost Rate     %
12. F&A Costs Subtotal:
(Multiply Item 10. by Item 11.)  
  13.a. Subcontract cost up to first $25,000 $  
  13.b. F&A Cost Rate %  
14. Subcontract F&A Cost Subtotal:
(Multiply 13.a. by Item 13.b.)  
15. Total F&A Cost
(Add Item 12. and Item 14.)  