The OSP Subaward Team will work with you as the subaward is requested, drafted, negotiated, executed, modified, and closed.

After the prime award is finalized and the required documentation from the subrecipient is in place (see Proposing a Subaward), Cornell can pass the funding through to the subaward recipient. Subawards should be monitored to maintain compliance with the terms of the subaward and prime agreement.

PI and Unit Responsibilities

It is the PI’s responsibility to monitor Subawards to ensure the responsible stewardship of funds and performance of the work. This includes:

  • Maintain contact with the subrecipient PI to ensure that performance goals are achieved and all reports are submitted and acceptable.
  • Review invoices for accuracy and consistency with the award terms and conditions and collect and review required reports.

See more in the Roles and Responsibilities page.

In the event of any subrecipient performance issues, the Cornell PI and/or unit research administrator should contact the Subaward Team ([email protected]) for assistance.

Subrecipient Non-compliance

It is Cornell’s policy to mitigate subrecipient non-compliance utilizing the subrecipient monitoring procedures and the following:

PI and Unit Administrators Responsibilities

  • Identify subrecipient non-compliance issue.
  • Notify the Subaward Team immediately in the event of noncompliance.
  • Correspond with the subrecipient, where appropriate, to request corrective action.

Subaward Team Responsibilities

  • Work with the appropriate offices (PI, Unit, SFS, OSP Director, Counsel, etc.) to determine the appropriate action to compel the subrecipient to correct the non-compliance.
  • Correspond with the subrecipient, when appropriate, with notification of the non-compliance and the actions required to correct the non-compliance including ramifications for not correcting the non-compliance by the date outlined in the correspondence.
  • Follow up with the PI and Unit to determine if the non-compliance issue was corrected. If not corrected follow up with the subrecipient.
  • Take appropriate action in the event that the subrecipient does not correct the non-compliance issue, up to, and including, termination of the subaward.